Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Isn't Anybody Bored by this Already?

Isn't anybody else bored by the same thing, over and over? Read a newspaper and you'll see the same story: "Muslim explodes in (fill in the blank)" or "(Add Number) dead after terrorist attacks". The news is always about a new front that's been opened up in the global jihad movement.
It's not as if Islam is a terribly interessting religion- except as a case study of hatred, barbarim and cruelty. Arguing with a Muslim is like talking to a wall- full of doublespeak, contradictions and outright lies. I'm bored, bored of talking about such a primitive faith. Why do I let my time be occupied by such a barbaric people armed with a primitive religion? If it were not for our "multiculturalism" which shackles us and demands that we tolerate the medieval Muslim fascists, this discussion would be done with. The would be no more 9/11's, no more Madrid Bus Bombings, no more Netanya Passover Massacres... If we were only free to discuss Islam without being accused of being 'islamophobes' or 'racists', there would be no need for this blog, no need for this discussion. Frankly, I'm bored with this whole subject. I will, however, continue to talk about it until people understand what's at stake.


FLORIAN said... linked me as Florida's insensitivity training--It's not Florida--but FLORIAN.
That's my name. Thanks.

PS: Yes we are very bored of the Islamic vermin and their murderous tactics.

Brooke said...

HI! I'm finally fixing my links to put you on. Color me an extreme procrastinator! ;)

I'm bored and sick to death of tolerating these Islamists!

Michael said...

I don't know if the world is bored, or just desperate to avoid another bombing.

Too bad everyone's forgotten why appeasement was tried in the first place, and even worse that everyone's forgotten that it failed....

10 men said...

Press DA BUTTON George!

Then we can all get some peace and get back to our lives.

DA said...

Yeah, I hate when talking about how much I hate Jews gets me branded an anti-semite. I can't believe when you talk about how much you hate Muslims people would think you're a bigot.