The Jewish holiday of Sukkot begins tonight and lasts for 7 days. During these 7 days, we eat sit and sometimes sleep in our sukkot, huts. We build sukkot in our backyard, usually made of wood or fabric with a roof of leaves or branches. This is to remind us of the huts in which the Jews lived in while in the desert and also to remind of of the Divine clouds which protected the Jews. It is important to remember, with everything that is going on in the world, that just as Hashem protected the Jews in the desert, so will He shelter us under His divine wings.During these 7 days, we shake the arbaat haminim, meaning the four species. They are a citron, a palm branch, myrtle branches and willow branches. We shake them up and down and in all directions to remind us that G-d's rule extends in all directions. The 4 species also represent Jewish unity- the citron has taste and smell, the palm has taste, the myrtle has smell and the willow has none. These represent 4 types of Jews: those with merits and good deeds, those with only good deeds, those with only merits and those who have none. Only united are the Jewish people complete.
Chag Sukkot Sameach! Happy Sukkot everyone!
Hi from Quebec Canada
WWG :)
Have a good Sukkot!
This is absolute garbage. Anti-Talmud accusation date back from the 13th century and frequently resulted in blood libels. The Truth about the Talmud can be found here:
chag sameach my friend!
I hope your holidays were as good as mine.
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