Peace: Is it all that we are saying?
The prophet Jeremiah spoke of those who claim 'Peace, peace', when there is no peace. (6:14). How fitting those words are today! The cry of the left and the self-haters is 'peace, peace' and yet there is no peace.
A group of prominent Israeli intellectuals such as AB Yehoshua, Amoz Oz amd David Grossman called on PM Olmert to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas.
"We believe an opportunity to promote the peace process ahead of the international conference in November has been created. We urge the prime minister to make the greatest effort to reach substantial agreements with the PLO head and not miss this opportunity.
The continued Qassam attacks from the Gaza Strip are intolerable. Israel has in the past negotiated with its toughest enemies, and also now it is negotiating, and rightfully so, with Hamas in order to bring home Gilad Shalit.
These talks must include an attempt to reach a complete ceasefire, without preconditions. An end to the mutual attacks would give the residents of the western Negev a sense of security, would spare the Gaza vicinity residents any further suffering, and would increase the political process' chances of succeeding."
Why must Israel constantly rush to the negotiating table? The Left cannot understand that not everyone is saying 'give peace a chance', that not everyone wants to co-existence in love and harmony. After over 100 years of Arab violence and opposition (from the time of the First Aliyah) and 1500 years of jihad and Islamic expansion, it is clear to all but the most deluded that the Muslims are not interested in living side-by-side with Israel but rather living in the place of Israel.
Islam divided the world between the Dar al-Islam, the House of Islam, and the Dar al-Harb, the House of War, which must be subjugated under Allah's banner. There is no sort of compromise between the House of Islam and the House of War. Infidels can only co-exist with Islam if they are subjugated and pay the jizyah tax. Islam, subjugation or death- those are the three choices. On that list, there is no 'live in a multicultural, pluralistic society' or 'live and let live'- only those three.
If somebody wants you dead, there can be no compromise with them. There was no compromise with Hitler, no compromise with Stalin, and there can be no compromise with Islam. Islam cannot tolerate a sovereign Infidel presence, especially the Jewish 'sons of pigs and monkeys', living unbowed and unsubjugated in the heart of the Muslim world. It is an insult that Muslims will never accept. One does not negotiate with terrorists; one kills terrorists. Plain and simple. Those who support terror must not be lauded and spoken to; they must be crushed and terrorized themselves, measure for measure. The rocket launch sites in Gaza must be turned to glass and carpet bombed.
"Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20). A Palestinian state, G-d forbid, would not solve any of Israel's problems. The Arabs have never shown any interest in genuine peace but rather, in what Arafat, may his name be accursed, suggested: a 'Trojan Horse' state that would be declared on a part of Israeli soil and then eventually 'liberate' the rest of 'Palestine'. Any 'Palestinian' state would undoubtably become an Islamic theocracy, opress Christians and Jews (except of course those five 'Jews' who appeared at Ahmadinejad's Holocaust Denial conference- those guys are great!), become a center for terror and jihad and destabilize the relatively moderate Arab states. And this is what the US is pushing for?
Regardless of all of this, if the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People, why must Israel continue to negotiate and carve it up? When Israel shows that it is willing to sell its birthright, it gives the anti-semites and leftists liscence to stand up and say that Israel has no real connection to the land; if they did, why would they be giving it up? If Israel were to firmly state that the land is the eternal heritage of the Jewish People and proudly point to G-d's covenant with Abraham, there would be no more arguments. If it is not our land, Israel is simply a colonial occupier and therefore spend billions of dollars on security, guards at every door, put itself behind fences, build bunkers... But if Israel is our land, we need not be ashamed to defend it. We must destroy those who wish to remove it from us, with no regards to modern, politically-correct sensibilities."You are crossing the Jordan to come to the land which G-d is giving you, you must settle the land and live there..." Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 11:31
Cross-posted to Goat's Barnyard
Fences, walls, checkpoints, settlers, voting rights, the JNF money issue, and all the other particulars brought up in the Israel/"Palestine" debate--those are, surprising as it may sound, distractions away from the one and only real issue: moral right.
Despite the best of intentions and the most irenic dispositions, the conflict here is in the sharpest contrast of black and white:
EITHER we are colonists on an indigenous people's land, and therefore they have the moral right to kill us (God forbid),
OR we are returners to our own land, and therefore we have the moral right to take any step (read: expulsion) to remove all obstacles in the way of doing that.
In the past, the 50/50 position was popular (1949 territories to us, 1967 territories to the Pretendestinians); but now, world opinion is undergoing a steady polarization between those who say nothing belongs to us and those who say everything belong to us.
We have little control over these winds of world opinion; we can only choose to ride the right tide.
"Peace, peace to the far and the near". Peace through HaShem's way, not through weak, fallible, unreliable, misguided, deceptive, self-aggrandizing mankind's way. Soon in our days, amen.
HaShem bless you.
Excellent post as always Bar, the Kingdom of David is Jewish indigenous land and should be respected as such.
"No Compromise"
Them or us no middle ground, that is their viewpoint so it must be ours.
How can you compromise with a murderer intent on killing you?
You cannot, thats we we are justified in defending ourselves at all costs.
The civilized world against the non-civilized world.
God bless you Bar Kochba
Peace cannot be had one way... It must be reciprocated.
The Muslims have shown us time and again that they are willing to reciprocate ONLY after one helluva beating.
Bar Kochba,
On the platform given to him at Columbia University, Ahmadinejad repeated his claim that "the Palestinians should not be paying for what was done to the Jews in Europe", and the Leftists have lapped it up with passion. Your post from July, Our Only Claim, gains heightened relevance.
HaShem bless you.
"It should be mentioned here that when Britain, Israel, the United States or any other country gets attacked by Muslims, this is always blamed by the media on past colonial history, occupation, aggressive foreign policy etc.
Well, Sweden doesn't have a colonial history, its political establishment is among the most anti-Israeli in Europe and Swedish media have always been critical of US policies. Muslim immigration to the country has created the worst rape wave in Scandinavian history (which was indirectly blamed on global warming by the nation's largest newspaper some weeks ago), and the authorities have more or less abandoned their third largest city, Malmö, to Muslim gangs.
In short: It is hardly humanly possible to appease and grovel for Muslims more than Sweden has done, yet for some strange reason, Muslims don't get less aggressive because of this. On the contrary. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere? "
ZY is so right!...God help us..Chag sameach BaR!!
I do enjoy your posts. keep it up!
I left a comment on my blog for you suggesting we continue our friendly debate via email. I forgot that you are a minor.I do not allow my children to correspond with people unknown to me, so please disregard that suggestion ok?
You write with such authority and maturity I forget your age.
"EITHER we are colonists on an indigenous people's land, and therefore they have the moral right to kill us (God forbid),
OR we are returners to our own land, and therefore we have the moral right to take any step (read: expulsion) to remove all obstacles in the way of doing that."
Em, no. It's neither. Colonists can be removed without killing, or can even integrate into their environment. It happens all the time.
If you are returning to your land, please show the deeds. Otherwise you have no moral rights in the land. In an ideal world, Jews should be able to live anywhere. The situation in the West Bank and Gaza, however, is currently making this impossible and I don't see anyone trying to improve that situation. I see people leaning more towards conflict than resolution.
The "Either/Or" mentality doesn't work in the real world. No absolutes ever work. It's the stuff of editorialists and bloggers.
In this case, if Israel wants to occupy all of Israel + Palestine, it will have to accommodate a couple of million more Arabs in its constitution. How will it do this?
"Colonists can be removed without killing" - If they agree to relocate of their own accord. But we, the Jews of Israel, are neither colonists nor going anywhere.
"If you are returning to your land, please show the deeds." - What good would that do? You'd probably say the Torah is not acceptable as a deed, as Leftists usually do.
"No absolutes ever work." - That very sentence is an absolute.
"In this case, if Israel wants to occupy all of Israel + Palestine," - make that, "because (not 'if') the Jews (a nation) want to reinhabit (not 'occupy') all of the Land of Israel (not 'Palestine').
"it will have to accommodate a couple of million more Arabs in its constitution. How will it do this?" - We don't have to accommodate anyone. With HaShem's help we will do what our forefathers did 3,000 years ago under our leader Joshua: those who contest that idea that the Jewish nation should have sovereignty over the Land of Israel will be expelled, all of them. Speedily in our days, amen.
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