Shanah Tovah everyone! 5768 is here! Unfortunately, the New Year has already been ushered in with bloodshed, violence, jihad and anti-semitism.
New signs of a growing neo-Nazi threat in Israel, brought by gentile Russian immigrants, is really worrying. Last week, a neo-Nazi cell in Petach Tikvah was busted. Its members are responsible for attacks on religious Jews and the desecration of a large synagogue in Petach Tikvah. It seems that this more attacks and pogroms are yet to come.

From Arutz-7:
Neo-Nazis attacked a 70-year-old woman who was walking on the bridge connecting the Meridian Hotel and the Neveh David neighborhood in Haifa Monday morning.
The gang members beat her and shouted out "Heil Hitler," in the latest of a series of Nazi attacks that began with the arrest of a Nazi gang in Petach Tikva 10 days ago.
The victim said that two youths accosted her. One kicked her, causing her injuries, and the other gave a Nazi salute and shouted out "Heil Hitler." She was able to escape when a street sweeper stepped in to help her, but not before he, too, was beaten.
Haifa Radio also reported that a family from Neveh Yosef, not far away from the scene of the attack, was victimized by Nazi activity on Monday as well.
The family woke up to find their car's tires had been slit and that a huge swastika on top of a Star of David had been painted on the vehicle.
Reports of neo-Nazi organizations, swastikas scrawled on synagogue walls and other anti-Semitic crimes are increasingly being reported in the Jewish State.
Teen Arrested for Spraying Swastikas in Migdal Haemek

Neo-Nazism also found its way this week to the town of Migdal Haemek, southeast of Haifa. A 17-year-old anti-Semite was caught Sunday spraying a swastika on a neighbor’s car.
Police requested permission from the court to extend custody of the teenage attacker, who they said had admitted to spraying Nazi symbols on cars and public shelters, according to a report by Ynet.
Further questioning was necessary, said detectives, in order to determine whether the young Ukrainian immigrant is a member of a neo-Nazi gang. “We are checking to see whether there are other teenagers involved,” said a police spokesperson.
Swastikas Scrawled on Buildings in Holon
Nazi grafitti was found Sunday on walls in the town of Holon, near Tel Aviv. Residents there discovered several buildings spray-painted with swastikas and the word "Hitler."
The perpetrators have not yet been identified.
Swastikas Scrawled on Dimona Synagogue, Perpetrator Still at Large
Jews arriving for services at the Beit Ephraim synagogue in the northern Negev city of Dimona last Friday discovered their house of worship painted with Nazi symbols.
Two swastikas were found on the second day of Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year, sprayed on the synagogue wall and the fence surrounding the building.
Mayor Meir Cohen, who was among those who first spotted the Nazi graffiti, vowed to “do nothing else but deal with this issue.”
The mayor said he personally would offer a monetary reward of NIS 2,000 (approximately $480) to anyone with information leading to the arrest of the vandals.
Nazi Vandalism in Eilat Synagogue on Rosh HaShana Eve
Nazi and Christian slogans were scrawled on the walls of a Sephardic synagogue in the resort city of Eilat on the eve of the Rosh HaShana holiday last week. The graffiti was discovered Monday evening by congregants who arrived to attend a class and to pray the evening service. The synagogue is located in a heavily religious neighborhood.
"Hitler is the Messiah," proclaimed one of the statements. "Long live Hitler and Jesus Christ" declared another. Crosses and swastikas were also scrawled on the building, which is located in a heavily religious neighborhood.
"We were all shocked and stunned," said Rabbi Yair Hadaya, son of the city's Chief Rabbi, Moshe Hadaya. "I do not view it as an affront to the rabbi, but rather as an affront to the country and the Jewish people," he added.
Police initially said it appeared to be an isolated incident, but Eilat deputy police commander Eitan Gadasi later said it was too early to tell whether the attack had been carried out by neo-Nazis. "Such incidents happened in the distant past in Eilat," he said, "but at this point it is too early to say whether there is a neo-Nazi cell in [this city]."
Approximately a year ago several teenagers were arrested after being caught spray-painting swastikas on tombstones in the Eilat cemetery.
Israel was founded as a refuge for Jews who had survived the horrors of Nazi Germany. In a country that was meant to be a safe haven from anti-semitism, why is Israel importing neo-Nazi anti-semites? Clearly, there is something wrong with Israeli immigration laws when individuals who have no connection to the Jewish People and are dedicated to their destruction, come to live in the Jewish State. Unfortunately, under Israeli law, anyone who has 1 Jewish grandparent is entitled to make aliyah, even though they may not be halakhically Jewish. Only Jewish law determines who is Jewish and Israel must adopt it as a basis for aliyah.
Its not like Israel needs to import any more anti-semites. Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin, Israel's top intelligence chief, told the Knesset, Sunday, that Hamas is preparing a major attack against Israel before the November conference in Washington. Hamas even invited reporters to see the intense training that they had done over Rosh Hashana! So let's see- Israel's population is 10% Arab fith-columnists, in some cases, 40% of Russian immigrants are goyyim and among them neo-Nazis (!!!!), Hamas is planning a major attack against Israel and of course, our fearless leader Olie is planning peace (of the grave) talks with Syria. 5768 is looking bright.
On the Jewish calendar, it is now the Aseret Yemai Teshuva, Ten Days of Repentance. It is a time for spiritual reflection, growth and a return to the source, Hashem. Unfortunately, the Jewish soul is being threatened. Our heart, which we have faced in prayer for 2 000 years is being desecrated by the Islamic wakf. In addition to this parade of Jew-hatred and spiritual filth, a parade of thousands of missionaries is set to descend on Jerusalem for the annual Sukkot march through Jerusalem.

Arutz-7 explains:
The line-up of speakers at this year's event, which will be held at Jerusalem's Binyanei HaUmah Convention Center, includes David Pawson. In a speech entitled "God's Eternal Covenant with Israel" (reprinted in Family Restoration Magazine), Pawson stated,
"One day the people of Israel as a whole will become Messianic Jews [believing in Jesus - ed.]... Prayer for Israel is not enough; preaching is also necessary. The church's silence over the holocaust was bad enough; her silence about hell would be a worse betrayal... True lovers of Israel will speak on behalf of Jews to Christians and on behalf of Christ to Jews. To pray for the peace of Jerusalem must include that peace with God which only Jesus can bring."
"'Zionism' is only 'Christian'," Pawson stated, "when He [Jesus] has the pre-eminence."

In case it may be objected that it is offensive to the Jews to speak of such things, and that Christians must "comfort" Israel, Pawson explained: "There is no final comfort in a lie... We cannot help but be missionaries, and I have discovered that some Jews despise us if we pretend not to be..."
Another featured Feast of Tabernacles speaker, Jack Hayford, was one of 1,100 Christian Zionists and Messianic Jews who took part in the Road to Jerusalem conference in California last year. He spoke there of “helping the church understand what God’s doing among Jews today and how to relate to it.” Co-speakers at that Road to Jerusalem event were co-founder Rev. Raleigh Washington -- who said, "when a Jewish person recognizes that Jesus is his messiah, he becomes a Jew who has now found his messiah” -- and Rev. Mike Bickle of Kansas City, Mo., who used the phrase “unsaved Jews” and said a Satan-like leader “will be required to exterminate the Jewish race.”

These Christian Zionists are not true friends of Israel but are wolves in sheeps clothing. Many of my readers are Christian Zionists and I truely appreciate their support for Israel. What I don't appreciate though, is thousands of missionaries coming to my Holy Land in an attempt to 'save' me. I don't need your 'salvation'- I have a faith called Judaism and I get what I need from the Torah. Anyone who attempts to missionize us, to deceive us into abandoning the religion of our forefathers or to tell us that you can be a 'Jewish Christian' (just like a 'kosher pork') is not an ally and had no place in Israel. Israel was meant as a place where we can be 'unsaved', safe from anti-semitism, free from the hatred and oppression of the rest the world. Unfortunately, the corrupt anti-Torah government of Israel continues to import Russia goyyim (who one former member of the Israeli government said would hopefully 'secularize' Israel), neo-Nazis, bring in Christian missionaries to teach Jews about JC, allow the Temple Mount to be plundered and desecrated and continue to offer more concessions to our enemies.
Enough is enough! We can't keep on sitting around asking Hashem to send us Moshiach unless we are prepared to stand up for ourselves and for what is ours. Where are the protests? Last week's Haftorah portion read "Return O Israel unto Hashem, Your G-d, because you have stumbled in your sins" (Hosea 14:2). We truely have stumbled in our sins. It's right before Yom Kippur- don't miss the boat.
Teshuva- Just do it