"Why does the Torah start with the creation, instead of the first commandment given to the Jewish People? Because if the nations of the world ever accuse the Jews of stealing the Land of Israel, the Jews will be able to respond to the nations of the world that the entire world belongs to G-d, He created it and He choose to give the Land of Israel to the Jewish People." -Rabbi Shlomo ben Yitzhak (Rashi)
Wishing all of Am Yisrael, and the entire world, a chag sameach and may our simchah be completed by the arrival of Eliyahu Hanavi and Moshiach Tzidekeneinu.
Posted by Avi at 1:37 PM
Love that you use my Jews for Cheeses design. Would love it more if you linked it to http://www.cafepress.com/aaronscase/497457
chag sameach
I thought Eliyahu Hanavi was dead, assuming he is the same as Elijah the Prophet of the KJV.
So do Jews believe in reincarnation?
If so, do only prophets and gurus reincarnate, or can anyone do it?
Is reincarnation forced on people by their karma like in Hinayana Buddhism, or do they do it voluntarily like in Mahayana Buddhism?
Chag Sameach!
Anony #1: I'm very sorry about that. How do I link a pic?
Anony #2: Eliyahu never died. He ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire and will herald the coming of the Moshiach.
Jews believe in reincarnation, called gilgul neshamot. If we have not completed our special tikkun, task in life, HaShem sends us back down into the world.
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